Are You Impulsive? Awesome! You Deserve a Hopkins Belize Vacation. Now.

Are You Impulsive? Awesome! You Deserve a Hopkins Belize Vacation. Now.

Dr. Rachelle Lohmann has a word of advice for people who are looked down upon because they make impulsive decisions: Ignore naysayers. Impulsivity can benefit you in myriad ways. It can even be a blessing, Lohmann writes in her “Psychology Today” magazine article. Impulsive behavior is “a motivating force behind artistic genius,” she adds. It can be a lifesaver in situations where immediate decisions are critical. 

Take this to heart as you think about your need for a real vacation that starts now rather than later. In case you didn’t know it, Belize is a great choice for last-minute vacation planners because it’s just a few hours by plane from most North American cities, everyone speaks English and summer rates are so affordable, you’ll have to think hard to come up with a reason to stay home.

But where in Belize?

If you’ve never visited Hopkins, the small, laid back village on the central Caribbean Coast, the time is now. This area is a popular destination for tourists who need rest and relaxation more than the nightlife and frenzy for which other areas of Belize are known. The undulating coastal shore and sugar-white beaches, a large freshwater lagoon and cultural vibe courtesy of the Garifuna people are all you need to create your dream vacation. 

We’ve even picked out the perfect resort for folks who pride themselves on being last-minute vacation deciders: Belizean Dreams, one of Hopkins Village’s favorite resorts in winter. When summer rolls around, the same levels of luxury, amenities, tours, gourmet dining, spa services and everything you could wish for is all yours at summer rates. See why it’s good to be spontaneous?

Belize Dreams Resort Summer

What will you do in Hopkins?

Let’s say that your only goal is getting in beach time and staring at a gorgeous shade of blue water that is capable of triggering endorphins that slow the pulse and put you into a tropical state of mind. You won’t be bothered because crowds are at their lowest, so claim as much of Belizean Dreams’ beach as you need. 

When it’s time to get up and go, ask Belizean Dreams staff to line you up with every activity on their tour list. Visits to the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary and Mayflower Bocawina National Park. Zipline. Swim in waterfalls. Hike the jungle or explore Maya ruins. It’s lobster season so make sure you eat your quota.

Satisfy your mind, too

Having decided on the adventures you’d like to try, make room on your itinerary for Hopkins Village where you can indulge your taste for the exotic by immersing yourself in Garifuna culture. Sample tasty ethnic foods and learn to play the drums. Shop for handcrafted items that make great gifts–or be selfish and keep everything you buy for yourself.

Having chosen this destination for your last-minute vacation, you have permission to look smug when you return to friends and family who insist that your impulsivity is going to get you into trouble. When they see how content and relaxed you look, they may consider adding a little more impulsivity to their lives!