Discover One of Belize’s Best-Kept Secrets: Hopkins

Abandoning hot spots for quieter, less crowded areas – especially when your choice of lodgings offers you the same number of attractions, tourist sites, and natural wonders – could be your new travel philosophy if you’re weary of crowds and prefer roads less traveled - even when those roads are in...

Why you should visit Hopkins in January 2023

Is it too early to entice you into visiting a place in Belize that doesn’t always make the covers of travel magazines—despite the fact that it’s just as compelling as larger villages sharing the Stann Creek District? Hopkins Belize is that unassuming, “off the beaten track destination” that is beginning...

What Is Hopkins Like (and How Do I Get There)?

What's your vacation style? Are you the “see 10 cities in 10 days” traveler who has no qualms about pulling up stakes so you can move on to the next stop? Lots of travelers find this pace to be invigorating, but for the others, focusing on just one destination can...