It’s the Ideal Time to Plan a Christmas Vacation to Hopkins Belize

We don’t have to tell you that the globe has been subjected to an unbearable heat wave. You’re relying upon fans, air conditioning, ice cubes, and water to avert heat-related ailments, and we’d like to offer you one more way to beat the heat: Plan a Christmas holiday escape.Sound counterintuitive?...

Where to Vacation This December? Belize, of Course!

Take the word of Harvard University scientist Professor Adrian Bejan whose research offers insights into explanations about why people feel as though time moves faster as we age. Dr. Bejan believes that the brain’s electrical signals “must traverse greater distances” over the years, especially when compared to our youth.Why mention...

Spend Christmas or New Year’s in Belize – But You Must Act Now!

"New York Times" feature writer Jane E. Brody summed up the feelings of most of us when she wrote, “Maintaining motivation is becoming an increasing challenge for many people slogging through life curtailed by the coronavirus pandemic.” She wrote that sentence in May 2020!Likely you have found ways to deal...

Why December in Belize is as Hot as it Gets!

Belize's Tourism Season Begins In December Columbia News Service editors must have run out of article ideas the day they ran an extensive article on the evolution of hotness! The term hot harkens back to 1000 AD and was used to describe both temperatures and people who were passionate. By...