Dreaming About a Black Friday Deal in Paradise? You’ve Found it!

If your post-COVID return to travel has been less than satisfactory thanks to flight delays and cancellations plus changing restrictions for entering nations due to pandemic-related changes in rules and regulations, there’s a chance you have fallen victim to skepticism! It’s understandable. The predictability of your former travel habits has...

Do I Need a Covid Test to Travel to Belize?

Debra Kaplan’s University of Pennsylvania blog post about the history of travel documents offers a fun introduction to the past. During the late 15th century, Middle Eastern authorities began to “demand that all travelers carry documentation,” she found. These precursors to passports were called “safe conducts.” Fast forward to the...

Group Travel to Belize: Better Than a Family Trip For Lots of Reasons!

Whether you’re a group travel veteran or just thinking of vacationing with friends, there's one thing you can count on: You'll never have more fun!Sociologists agree that, “Friends are now our family of choice.” Ray Pahl, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Essex, told “Independent” reporters that the...

What It’s Like to Travel to Belize Right Now

It’s been less than a year since The Nature Conservancy proclaimed Belize “a conservation success story,” based on the nation’s emphasis on climate and biodiversity. Despite the nation’s small size—it compares to Vermont or Massachusetts—the number of advances made by government entities and recommendations made by conservation groups and organizations...

7 Ways You Benefit by Choosing Belize Resort Packages

Whether you prefer to call them packages, bundles, all inclusives or just the very best way to travel under the sun, by planning a vacation where every detail you require is included in the stay, you guarantee a worry-free experience that benefits your mental health, especially when temperatures at home...

12 Things You Can’t Miss On Your First Visit To Hopkins Belize

Human beings can’t stop asking “why?” Intrepid travelers are especially curious, eager to know about things that aren’t always mentioned in travel brochures and articles. Heading for Belize? Eager to find out why Hopkins Village has become the place visitors are most curious about? We’ve saved you some time by...

A Hopkins Belize Getaway You Won’t Want to Miss!

Are you an advance packer or do you wait until the last minute to throw things into a suitcase? See which best describes your strategy: Minimalists stick the fewest number of items into their bags; they're rarely advance packers.Over-packers believe that “You never know what you might need,” so they...

Passport Heavy Visits Hopkins Belize

Can a first-rate Belize resort get too much publicity? Not if that destination is the Belizean Dreams Resort in Hopkins where the mover and shaker behind the popular Passport Heavy website decided to focus his attention. His name is Jubril Agoro and he’s not your usual reviewer. The dude is a globetrotter...