
Try These Classic Belizean Dishes Now – or Wait for Lobsterfest!

The news in mid-March 2024 remains disheartening for U.S. lobster aficionados as the media continues to buzz about "lobsterflation." Soaring lobster prices imposed by Maine lobstermen have driven the cost sky-high, with reports indicating that a 2-pound lobster now sells for upwards of $100. In response, some upscale restaurants are...

Where To Stay in Belize for a Local Experience

This could come as a surprise to you, but “local experiences are the new frontier of travel,” according to an ABC reporter roaming around Australia to measure the “pre-Covid” travel experience against today’s less restrictive scene. Conclusion reached? Thinking smaller and staying local is appealing and comforting to travelers who...

Find Your Wellness Haven: Rejuvenate by the Sea in Belize

If the word spa sends you to a magical world of peace and tranquility, you may want to know that spas have been delighting and nurturing people since mankind began to walk the planet. The humble sauna is said to have originated in Finland around 7,000 B.C., and you have...

Belize in May: So Many Reasons to Celebrate!

Looking for a reason to vacation during the month of May? Writer Michael Kerr offers these suggestions: May 1: Global Love Day May 2: World Tuna Day May 3: Garden Meditation Day May 6: Play Outside Day May 13: International Migratory Bird Day May 19: Endangered Species Day May 21:...

Discover One of Belize’s Best-Kept Secrets: Hopkins

Abandoning hot spots for quieter, less crowded areas – especially when your choice of lodgings offers you the same number of attractions, tourist sites, and natural wonders – could be your new travel philosophy if you’re weary of crowds and prefer roads less traveled - even when those roads are in...

Experience Hopkins Belize: Cultural Immersion Beyond the Beach

You’re not imagining things every time you read about new types of travel experiences that excite and intrigue you. One of the most fascinating of late is the “cultural immersion,” also called authentic travel. Born of a movement in which people seek deeper connections to places they visit, cultural immersion,...

When Is The Best Time To Book Your Belize Vacation

It’s easy to plan a business vacation. Your boss says, “Go.” You pack. But family vacation planning can be a hassle. Everyone’s schedules collide so it’s more practical to pick a destination offering something for everyone 12 months a year. Find in Belize exactly the place that makes this possible! January: Extend your New Year’s celebration....